COVID Update – Day 3

*knocks on wood* So far, so good. Our family has spent the last 3 days in full-on quarantine from both the outside world and, as much as we can, from each other. James is somewhere between stable and better, with a much improved appetite over the last 24 hours and a cough that oddly comes and goes in real feast-or-famine style. If there’s been any plus side to having COVID, it’s that the cough hasn’t seemed to bother him at night very much so he is getting sleep.

As to the rest of us….Elizabeth has been showing some symptoms that may or may not be signs of infection. A good night’s sleep helped, so fingers crossed. As the most vaccinated of the bunch, she’s in good shape to weather the storm. Gemma has been right as rain up until a slightly elevated temperature this morning. She has been embracing the brotherless lifestyle of getting full control of what is on TV and Amazon’s “Do Re Mi” has been on on loop for the duration. We’ll keep a close eye on her and plan for another round of testing in the coming days. And I’m doing fine – back to work today (from home, as usual). I have some travel planned for next week that I will need to cancel, but otherwise status quo.

The other thing that the family is embracing is Minecraft – we’ve got a server set up and for the first time are playing together with James who is having a total blast. Coupled with voice chat courtesy of Discord and we’ve got a great low-exposure way to play together (and Gemma helps from the sidelines). James has really taken to it, here he is working away:

“I’m sick and get tons of computer time? Too bad.” – said James, probably.

Elizabeth and I did PCR tests yesterday which we expect results from soon. James did one today, just to confirm the positive diagnosis of last week…and Gemma will be next (especially with that slight fever).

Life goes on.


Update! Negative tests for both Elizabeth and I. Good news.

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  1. Thank god for technology! We cross our fingers for you very often.
    Up here, Steve has another procedure tomorrow, hopefully the last for a while.
    Stay healthy if you possibly can, Love from the increasingly frozen north!

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