Updates for (Hospital) Prisoners

​​​​Here’s another round to keep the hospital bound mildly entertained.  The rest of you can of course tag along for the ride…!

In Arizona, the school schedule is kind of  weird – I think they call it “year round” school, so summer is quite short (relatively speaking – they started in July) and they get more frequent breaks throughout the year.  Case in point: we are officially done with quarter #1 as of Friday, and the kids have the next 10 days off. We got off to a strong start on vacation with a couple of activities – gingerbread cookie creation (and consumption) and arts and crafts:

Also yesterday we had the horrific realization that our pool had dropped to dangerously low temperatures (83F) so it was time to bring out the solar cover.  That should keep us comfortable through the end of October.  Glad we did too – we had a big storm roll through last night and it’s in the 70’s today.  Practically an ice age.

When we were up in Oregon this summer visiting Elizabeth’s folks her Dad, who is an avid photographer, bestowed his old Nikon D70 on James.  He already had a kid camera that he was extremely fond of, so this was a Big Deal.  The camera made an appearance on Friday night (as things tend to do when bed time is imminent) and James was showing Gemma how do use it – and being a subject.

As some may know, we’re gearing up for Elizabeth to have major surgery on her ankle (10/6).  She’s going to be non-weight bearing for 6-9 weeks (!!!) so we got her a knee scooter to help with mobility.  One person’s knee scooter is another’s race car…

And of course no household update would be complete without the master of the house making an appearance.  No, not me.  I’m just his primary mattress.

I was playing a computer game with friends and Gord the other night.  Still a mattress.

That’s all for now!


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