Sorry for the delay in posting and thanks to all of you who reached out. Lots to report, but most importantly: Friday marked our last day of household quarantine, and the first day Gemma was eligible to return to school. James was eligible to return earlier this week, because he tested positive for COVID earlier. Final tally: both the kids had it to varying degrees – James was the most concerning with his loud, dry cough while Gemma had a brief fever and some crankiness. Elizabeth and I never tested positive – a testament to the vaccines (and perhaps also to our disciplined in-home mask wearing).
To make the week even better, James received his first dose of the vaccine on Thursday. Right after approvals were issued.
Next up is dose #2 for him on November 30th and hopefully an expedient approval for kids under 5 so Gemma can join. I might seek out a booster, too (depending on if the CDC deems me worthy) and then it may be time to start planning out some travel. In related news, Elizabeth’s ankle surgery has been postponed again – it was supposed to happen on Friday, now it has been pushed out to January due to our COVID exposure. We have many grumbles about this ranging from chronic pain to insurance deductibles, but at least it may enable a Daddy/James trip in the interim.
Stay healthy and stay tuned!